Webcam spying with Chrome

tl;dr; Browsers doesn’t handle webcam permissions well enough. Users should be extremely wary about what’s going on in their browser. From a list of 30 bugs submitted to google regarding that issue, most have been fixed, but some are still alive. The most obvious bug which is »

Abusing The HTML5 Data-URI

[Update: Some of these examples were mitigated in Chrome 38 and 39] After seeing in the previous post how Data-URIs can be used as a mechanism to easily carry malicious code, I’ll elaborate more about the issues it presents. Some of it merely exists from the way Data-URIs are »

The Promise of Mobile HTML5

Less than a year ago it seemed like HTML5 was going strong. With Facebook and Linkedin adopting the technology to reach most of the screens on the mobile and on the desktop. Linkedin had the better hybrid mobile app (HTML5 + native) and published a series of videos and articles about »